Republic of Cyprus
Euroguidance Network - Department of Labour

What to expect

Academic Year

The academic year begins on 1 September and ends on 31 August. At the University of Cyprus and the Public Schools of Tertiary Education, instruction is offered between September and May and it is divided in two semesters. At the Private Schools of Tertiary Education instruction is offered between September and June and is also divided in two semesters. Some Private Schools of Tertiary Education offer summer courses as well.

Entry Requirements

All students who hold a school leaving certificate from a six-year secondary institution or its equivalent are eligible for application for a Bachelors Degree, but the following have to be noted:

      · For a position at the University of Cyprus, the Technical University of Cyprus or the Public Schools of Tertiary Education the selection of candidates is based on the applicants' success in the Entrance Examinations set by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus.

      · For overseas students who wish to study at the University of Cyprus or at the Public Schools of Tertiary Education, usually G.C.E. or G.C.S.E. credentials are taken into consideration but it must be noted that it is required that the candidate is competent in the language the courses are taught in. Entrance criteria in the case of international students who want to apply may also be set by the department the student is interested in. The University of Cyprus may also set special examinations for overseas students.

      · For entry in the Private Schools of Tertiary Education requirements vary according to the institution and usually include proof of good knowledge of English, since English is the language of instruction


Students are required to hold a school-leaving certificate to be eligible for entrance to both Public and Private Schools of Tertiary Education.


The official languages of the University of Cyprus and the Technical University of Cyprus are Greek and Turkish and overseas students who are candidates are required to have good knowledge of either of the two. Note that there are departments, like the English Studies Department in which the language of instruction is English.

In the case of Public Schools of Tertiary Education, three of them (The Higher Technical Institute, The Higher Hotel Institute and the Mediterranean Institute of Management) are English speaking and require proof of competency in English (Toefl, GCE, GCSE etc).

All private Universities and other Institutions of Tertiary Education are English speaking, and require proof of competency in English (Toefl, GCE, GCSE etc). Many schools offer English Language Foundation Courses. There are some programs of study that use the Greek language, and in this case, competency in Greek is required.

Tuiton Fees

At the University of Cyprus and the Technical University of Cyprus fees total EUR 3500 per year for Cypriot undergraduate students and are paid by the State. For students who are admitted from EU member states the fees total EUR 3500. Fees for students coming from countries other than the EU member states, total EUR 6834 per year. For Private Universities and Schools of Tertiary Education, fees vary and it is advisable to check the fees that apply for the specific program of studies that you are interested in.

Postgraduate fees, also vary according to the level and program of studies.

Academic Recognition

Cyprus recognizes the entry qualifications of other European countries under the European Convention and supplementary protocol on the equivalence of diplomas leading to admission to universities.

Recognition Final Qualifications

Information on the recognition of Cyprus higher-education qualifications in other EU countries can be obtained from the NARIC centers. KY. S.A.T.S (Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications) is the competent authority responsible for the recognition of Titles (or Degrees). It serves the role of the National Recognition Information Center (NARIC) for Cyprus.

Final Qualifications

After successfully completing the studies required and depending on the institution and the length of studies the student may receive the following:

      · Certificate (one year of study)

      · Diploma (two years of study)

      · Higher Diploma (three years of study)

      · First Degree (Ptyhio) (four years of study)

      · Master's Degree (one to two years of study and a Ptyhio are required)

      · PhD (three years minimum and a Master's Degree are required)

Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Most Universities offer scholarships based on academic merit, as well as financial assistance to students who fulfill certain criteria. More information may be found on the website of each Institution.

Health Insurance

EU citizens can receive free outpatient or inpatient treatment in Cyprus with a European Health Insurance Card. However, this covers only essential treatment and not routine treatment.

Accommodation and Living

All institutions operate student residence facilities on their campuses. Prospective students are advised to inquire directly with the institutions in which they are interested on whether they provide residence facilities, and what the costs are. Additionally, students have the option to live off campus.

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