Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία
Δίκτυο Euroguidance  - Τμήμα Εργασίας, Δημόσια Υπηρεσία Απασχόλησης

Νέα και Εκδηλώσεις

19/10/2023 - "Γεφυρώνοντας την εκπαίδευση με την απασχόληση: Δεξιότητες επαγγελματικής ετοιμότητας και μετάβασης στην αγορά εργασίας"

"Enhancing Career Readiness and Transition Competencies -
Hybrid Conference"
Thursday, 19 October 2023
University of Nicosia, Nicosia


The Euroguidance Network in Cyprus together with EUROPASS Cyprus (KEPA) and the University of Nicosia, are organising in Cyprus the European Conference «Enhancing Career Readiness and Transition Competencies», on the 19th of October 2023, at the Jean Monnet Amphitheatre in the premises of the University of Nicosia.

The long-term economic crisis and even more so the current COVID-19 pandemic has led to a sharp rise in international unemployment, especially among young people (OECD, 2020), who face increased job uncertainty and become particularly vulnerable in finding and retaining work (Mann , Denis and Percy, 2020). In addition, the rapidly evolving changes due to the digital and "green" transition seem to pose even greater challenges for decision-making and career planning among the young generations. Recent research data from the OECD «Career Readiness Project» that will be presented during the Conference, show that young people's worldwide career expectations are limited and confused. 50% of young people over the age of 15 are interested in only 10 professions, while 38-41% seek jobs that are at risk of automation. Also 1 in 5 young people have incompatible educational and professional expectations (OECD, 2020 PISA 2018 study). During the Conference experts from OECD, Cedefop and other EU Agencies will try to tackle the subject of Career Readiness and its relevance with proper career guidance services and informed career paths for the youth.

On the occasion of the OECD "Career Readiness project", international distinguished speakers will highlight current concerns, challenges and opportunities to bridge the gap between education and employment through a modern perspective, discussing the need for timely development of professional preparedness skills and lifelong career management to young people for a professionally trained workforce.


Κατεβάστε το αρχείο τύπου Acrobat Career Readiness Conference 2023 - Participation Information & Abstract.pdf

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Career Readiness Conference 2023-Invitation.pdf

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Career Readiness Conference 2023-Programme.pdf

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Anthony Mann-What Works in Career Guidance-Insights from New International Lonitudinal Evidence.pdf

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Cynthia Harrison-Systems and policies supporting adults’ career readiness.pdf

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Dr Mika Launikari-CREAR - Career, Resilience, Education, Agency and Readiness digital tool enabling career transitions.pdf

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Fotini Vlachaki-Career Readiness Competencies in the Global Labour Market.pdf

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Katerina Flaka-Mental Resilience for Professional Readiness.pdf

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Maria Siopacha-Freshmen students’ career readiness and the UNIC approach.pdf




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